Sometimes I wonder if it's just me seeing this one woman. Repeatedly. For over a year now. I've seen her at the PO in Utica Square, at Promenade, at a QT on Yale. What makes this one woman so distinctive? Well, to begin with, she's always in white. White tunic, white jacket (regardless of temperatures), white shoes (even after Labor Day - faux pas!), and white hose/tights/leggings. Then there's her "Prozac Pink" lips, disheveled hair, and the ever present tote.
One horrifying incident involved a not - so - long sweater, white tights (control top, no less) instead of leggings, pink underwear, and her bending over just as my eyes had focused on the trash bin - her rear in the same line of vision. Augh!
If anyone else sees this woman in the Mid Town area, give me a heads up. I often wonder if I'm seeing things or if I have a stalker (why would I have a stalker?). I used to see a girl, early 20s maybe, with long dark hair, riding a bike down Brookside, always in the same outfit, always in the same stretch, and on this old school bike (Beach Cruiser). It could simply be coincidence with this one.
Magazine Subscriptions: When you subscribe to a magazine, do you get the volume with more ads than the volume sent to the newsstand? And do you get it later? Maybe a different image on the cover, but with the same model/celeb? I have a free subscription to Harper's Bazaar and just received the Sept. issue. The table of contents was on page 119. Then it was another 9 pages to the list of editorial staff. 9 pages to publishing credits. 5 pages to contributors. I flipped through to find any actual copy, aside from "editors picks" and such. You know, articles. On page 542 was a four page spread of the Ronsons, with one page of that dedicated to copy. The other three were Tenenbaum - styled family portraits. I'm sure there's more to it than this, but just thumbing through the magazine hasn't produced much in the way of "reading" material. I do like the textures of clothes that appear in fall issues of fashion magazines though. They are decoupage worthy.
Maybe your stalker will leave a comment on your blog! Funny stuff though. Enjoying your posts!