"The people who are the most insular and fearful and unhelpful when it comes to dealing with international problems, I believe, are likely to be the people who don't have the opportunity to travel," he said. "People who do have the chance to travel can come home and challenge other people not to be so ethnocentric. Because we are not the greatest 4 percent of people on this planet. We like to think we are, but we're no better than the other 96 percent. We're all beautiful and made in God's image."
Rick Steves is speaking in Tulsa tomorrow as part of the Town Hall Lecture Series. John and I love watching his shows. The above quote captures the mentality of a few people in my daily life nd it is so hard to open their eyes to what lies beyond our borders. They are of the mentality that as Americans, we are superior and the most obedient to God's word. I find myself often disappointed in the things that spew from their mouths, while they profess to be Christians first.
On a brighter note, I'm looking forward to a week of snowboarding with John, my sister, and her boyfriend. We head to Keystone on Monday and will be there through next Sunday. Pray for our safety! After one of our seniors was critically injured on the senior ski trip a couple of months ago, I think that helmet they offer me during lessons will in fact be strapped to my head throughout the week. While Laura and I take up snowboarding, John and Aaron are skiing. It should be a fun week!
Can't say I've ever listened to Rick Steves, guess I'll keep my ears open!